■ 50 ml Vodka
■ 25 ml Licor de Café
■ Hielo
■ 50ml (5 parts) Vodka
■ 20ml (2 parts) Coffee liqueur
■ Ice cubes
Preparación :
■ Agregar el licor y el vodka en un vaso On the Rocks con bastantehielo. Revolver.
■ Pour the ingredients into the old fashioned glass filled with ice cubes. Stir gently.
Standard drinkware :
Glass Old Fashioned.
Variaciones :
■ .
■ .
Reseña : The Black Russian is a cocktail of vodka and coffee liqueur. It contains either three parts vodka and two parts coffee liqueur, per the Kahlúa bottle's label, or five parts vodka to two parts coffee liqueur, per IBA specified ingredients. It is sometimes made with cola, in which case it is referred to as a Dirty Black Russian, as opposed to Clean when without it. Traditionally the drink is made by pouring the vodka over ice cubes or cracked ice in an old-fashioned glass, followed by the coffee liqueur. This combination first appeared in 1949, and is ascribed to Gustave Tops, a Belgian barman, who created it at the Hotel Metropole in Brussels in honor of Perle Mesta, then U.S. ambassador to Luxembourg.[2] The cocktail owes its name to the use of vodka, a stereotypical Russian spirit, and the blackness of the coffee liqueur.