Frozen Daiquiri

Ingredientes : 
 ■ 1 1/2 oz. de ron
 ■ 1/2 oz. de licor de naranja
 ■ 1 1/2 oz. jugo de limón
 ■ 1 cucharadita de azucar
 ■ 1 taza de Hielo en cubos (depende del tamaño de los cubos)

 ■  2 oz light rum
 ■  1 1/2 oz fresh lime juice
 ■  3/4 oz sugar syrup
 ■  lime wedge for garnish
 ■ 2 cups of ice

Preparación : 
 ■ Meter todos los ingredientes en una licuadora y licuar hasta que el hielo quede estilo “frozen” o granizada. Se puede agregar hielo si hace falta..
 ■ Blend the light rum, lime juice, and sugar syrup with approximately 2 cups of ice. Pour into a chilled collins glass. Garnish with the lime wedge.

Standard drinkware : 
Glass Cocktail 2.

Variaciones : 
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Reseña : A wide variety of alcoholic mixed drinks made with finely pulverized ice are often called frozen daiquiris. These drinks can also be combined and poured into a blender eliminating the need for manual pulverization. Such drinks are often commercially made in machines which produce a texture similar to a smoothie, and come in a wide variety of flavors made with various alcohol or liquors. Another way to create a frozen daiquiri (mostly fruit-flavored variants) is by using frozen limeade, providing the required texture, sweetness and sourness all at once.